Sleep Hygiene

Published: 09 Jul 2024

How sleep hygiene can get you better sleep.

Sleep Hygiene is the small changes you can make to get a big difference with your sleep quality.  If you are after naturally better sleep, these tips will help you get better sleep so you can improve your energy, moods and recovery from stress/strain and injury.

1. Room temperature.

Your bedroom temperature can make a huge difference to your sleep.  Too warm and you can fail to fall into a deep sleep-your body needs to drop a degree or 2 to get into deep sleep.  Ideal temperature is anywhere from 16 degree to 20.

In this day and age warmer nights are becoming more common so fans and air conditioning can also be necessities in summer.  There are some more advanced options like mattress topping cooling units which could be worth it in extreme circumstances.  In the winter months avoid heating the bedroom and take advantage of the cooler weather to help you drop off into a deep sleep.

2. Room lighting.

Dimming lights and the use of “warm colored bulbs” in the evenings increase the production of melatonin which slows brain activity ready for sleep.  Avoiding blue light emitting devices before bed helps melatonin production also.  A completely dark room is key here, covering any lights that shine from any electrical appliances, or switching them off is going to help.  Eye masks can also be helpful.

3. Noise

A quiet space will help drop off to sleep and avoid disturbance once you are asleep.  If you live in a noisy environment, then a source of “white noise” can reduce disturbance.  In extreme circumstances, ear plugs can be worth a try.  Set your phone to sleep mode so those annoying scammer texts don’t bother you in the middle of the night.

4. Bed-time routine

Pre-sleep routine also plays a crucial role in quality sleep.  When you initiate your sleep routine, your brain starts to go into “sleep mode”.  Once you actually turn out the lights, your chance of good deep sleep increases dramatically.  Some good options to include in your bed time routine include:

  1. Stretch.  Using the foam roller to decompress is great to relax the spine, neck and shoulder and will make it more comfortable to lie down too.
  2. Meditate.  Slowing the brain down with very simple mindfulness techniques will allow you to drop off quicker and get into deeper sleep.
  3. Reading.  I am talking about good old fashioned paper book here under a nice “warm” light.  Trying to read on devices set onto “night modes” are too stimulating for the brain to get to sleep mode.
  4. Warm shower. Can promote relaxation and calmness and paradoxically can help you cool down by promoting circulation in the skin.  A word of warning here-a cold shower can increase your core temperature by driving blood flow away from the skin.  As the core temperature increases, your chance of good sleep decreases.
  5. Getting into the PJs. The simple act of changing clothes before bed time can also signal the brain it’s time to sleep.

5. Spinal Health

Don’t forget your spinal health.  If you are experiencing neck and back pain, it can be hard to achieve the comfort required for good sleep.  It might be time for a Chiropractic check up if your sleep is disturbed, or you are waking up tired and not feeling refreshed in the mornings.

So remember a few little changes to your environment and routine before bed can improve your moods, energy and help you recover from stresses and strains.  Implement some of these simple sleep hygiene changes today to start getting better sleep.  Call us on 6652 4025 if you need more help.