Neck side stretch

Published: 10 Oct 2023

The neck side stretch is great for relieving shoulder tension.  It also helps improve neck mobility and the ability to turn.

Therefore this is a great exercise to do as movement break when at the computer or desk for long periods.  It will work best as a preventative exercise but is ok for relieving as well.  For best results, incorporate into daily routine before tension deteriorates into pain and disability.

How to perform the Neck side stretch:

  1. Sitting is best.  While on an office or kitchen chair sitting up tall (see Desk Posture for tips on hot to do this best).  Your don’t want to be leaning against the back of the chair.
  2. Reach down to the bottom of the chair seat and tuck hand under to grip the under side of the chair.  This will prevent the shoulder rising up as you stretch and avoid overloading the neck joints.
  3. Then bend the head and neck to the side opposite the hand that is holding onto the chair.  You should start to feel stretch down along side of neck and to back of shoulder blade.
  4. If you don’t feel anything toward back of shoulder blade try gently dropping your nose down and/or turning the nose to the opposite side.  GO SLOWLY, SMALL MOVEMENTS TO START WITH.
  5. REMEMBER: Hold onto the bottom of the chair, don’t let the shoulder rise up as the head moves to the opposite side.
  6. Hold 10-30 seconds.
  7. Perform routinely to prevent trouble in the first place.


This can be a powerful stretch  and can overload the neck joints .  If you get issues with pain, numbness, tingling or pins and needles in the arms or hands, STOP immediately.

Again remember to hold onto the underneath surface of the chair to prevent the shoulder coming up as the head is bent to the opposite side.