neck roll

Published: 25 Jul 2023

The neck roll for reducing tension

The neck roll is a good way to reduce tension and improve mobility in the neck (Cervical spine).

Most neck pain is caused by (or aggravated by) prolonged postures with the head looking down or the head pushed forward of the shoulders.

Just about everybody will realise how this happens with mobile phones and other hand held devices.  What you might not realise is how often and how long it happens with many other daily activities.  Like sitting at a computer, driving and sitting on the couch.

All these activities cause strain on the neck muscles and compression of the discs and joints of the neck.

For many people the foam roller is an excellent way to reduce or reverse this stress on the neck especially if the mid to upper back has a hunch/rolls forward.  For others, this neck roll technique will be much more helpful.  Especially if there are degenerated (“arthritic”) joints in the neck or the cervical curve is reversed.

To get best results follow the instructions in the video above.

In Summary:

  1. Fold towel in half and then bring edges to centre with small (1cm) gap along the length.
  2. Roll firmly so there are 2 firm rolls on the side and a softer section along the middle.
  3. Lay on floor and position towel under neck so soft section runs along the vertebrae.  Firm sections of the towel are on the muscles at each side.
  4. The head should “bend back over the roll”
  5. Adjust the size of the roll so you have just enough space to slide a finger behind your head.
  6. Set a timer-you don’t want to fall asleep and “overstretch”
  7. 2 mins is good to start with.  If you don’t experience any discomfort afterwards, you can gradually increase the duration until you can do 10 mins
  8. “Neck Cloud Devices”:  If your neck is long enough, head heavy enough they  may work for you.  Ensure it is the right size when lying down.  That is, you can get a gap of 1 finger space behind the head.