alternative hamy stretch

Published: 28 Mar 2023

If you are recovering from lower back injury or have trouble with sciatica, the alternative hamy stretch will be better for you.   The hamstring stretch I recommend for warming up for work and in the Tradies Guide is great for helping lower back mobility but can aggravate an angry lumbar disc if you don’t quiet get it right.

To work on your right hamstring:

  • lie on your back with left leg out straight, right thigh at 90° and knee bent comfortably
  • use your right thigh muscles to straighten the knee while keeping thigh perpendicular to the ground
  • lift foot up until a comfortable stretch is felt in the hamy.
  • don’t go too hard to start with-“leave some room to move into”.
  • repeat 10x then hold repetition number 11 for 10 to 30 sec.
  • go to left side to do it again